香港專業攝影師公會年展2015 2015年10月10日
由香港專業攝影師公會(HKIPP)主辦一年一度「香港專業攝影師公會年展2015」於2015年10月8日於尖沙咀海港城海運大廈多功能運動場隆重揭幕,為期四天至10月11日。作為香港專業攝影師公會每年盛事,本次展覽將會展出多達由47位本地頂級專業攝影師之作品,10月10日及11日更有不同範疇的專業攝影師到現場進行免費攝影講座, 讓大眾能夠欣賞各會員優秀作品之餘,更能夠加深認識本港攝影行業。
Hong Kong Institute of Professional Photographers (HKIPP) will host our Annual Exhibition 2015 opening ceremony at Multi-purpose Court, Ocean Terminal, Harbour City on 8th October 2015 and the exhibition period is from 8th to 11th October. We are excited to host this event in an all new venue and we have 47 of our members participating this year! In addition to showcasing works from our members, we also have free seminars on the 10th and 11th given by our distinguished members. This is a great opportunity for the audience to deepen understanding about our institution and our industry. Please join us for the exhibition and we look forward to meeting all of you.
HKIPP, established in 1987, is Hong Kong’s most prestigious photography organization that our members are local well-known professional photographers. We are committed to promoting the development of Hong Kong’s professional photography each year through various activities.
For further details, please go to HKIPP page: